Monday, March 21, 2011


In my south the days of winter are like those of spring,
and my nights clear as you've never seen.
My beauty will I share,
and the glory of God will be declared as your eyes
will become a witness to the vastness of my splendor.
For you shall see the magnificence of my deserts
and all the life which they sustain,
my mountains shall you gaze upon they ascend as a prayer come true
unto my skies so blue.
My beauty you will agree is as incense rising to the heavens
and you will applaud my makers hand
as you behold the grandest of all canyons.
Glorious are my sunsets,
they are as the colors of the rainbow
far beyond the works of Rembrandt.
To my beauty there is no end,
I am Arizona, welcome to my land.

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