Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Curtain of time.

Several years ago, I took my family on a vacation trip to Sonora Mexico. On the way to our destination, I couldn't help but notice the enormous amount of poverty in the country.

The huts of the poor were made of tin that didn't require a draft of an architect to erect, their children playing by the irrigation ditches, barefoot, their clothing torn, and ragged. The sole provider of the family on his way to work, walking alongside the road, with the hope his sweat, and the strength of his arms would provide for the bare necessities of the day.I was overtaken by emotions, And lifted my voice to God, Oh! Lord, why have you allowed these things to be? My grief was questioning the wisdom of the almighty God.

As I was driving down the road, suddenly their appeared to me a vision of a red velvet curtain, very similar to the ones used on a theatrical stage. The drapes were then slowly drawn, I felt compelled to look inside, as I leaned forward and placed my head inside the curtain, I shifted my focus to my far left and witnessed what appeared to be the beginning of time, as my head slowly turned from left to right, I could see a diverse amount of world events taking placed in perfect sequence, very similar to a jigsaw puzzle being pieced together to form an image.When my eyes were fully focused to the far right, I witnessed the end, or rather the beginning. The puzzle that once held doubt was complete, pieced together to form a clear image, every event of life had its place, whether it was good, or bad.

When I pulled my head out away from curtain, the drapes began to close. When they were fully shut, the vision ended, and I lost memory of the events I had just witnessed. The only Memory that remains to this day, is the fact that our God is perfect in all his ways.

A few months later, at around three o' clock in the morning, there was knock on my front door to advise me of the death of my older brother. The first thought to enter my mind, was that another piece of the puzzle had found its place. Although I loved my brother dearly, I refrained from ever asking the Lord why.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

False Prophets

Counterfeiting is the crime of duplicating the original. In order for the counterfeit to be successful it must a replica of the original in every aspect. Example, In order to pass a fake hundred dollar bill, it must look, and feel like the original. "Many shall come in MY NAME and say I AM the CHRIST and shall deceive many, if it were possible even the very elect."
Is there a full proof method of detecting a false prophet? There most certainly is, CHRIST the Shepard , John.10:4 "And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow." For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the son's of God.

If we are his sheep, is there a reason to be concerned ? Is it possible for the lord to abandon his flock? (John 6: 39)Jesus said," And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day."

Godliness presents it self in a variety of different forms, what appears good to men is often accepted as truth. What is it that every religion in the world has in-common? The law,(Rom 2:14)" For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:" Therefore every religion strives to do the things that are of the law, although they are not fully aware of it.

Some abstain from such things as coffee, cigarettes, alcohol. while others fill the necessity to observe certain calender days. There are some who will not feast, (dance, movies, casinos e.t.c.) who fill it is a sin to participate in such things.

But the bible states,(Col:2:20-2:23)" Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days, Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinancesTouch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? . Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh."

Religion, the best of the best when it comes to counterfeit.(Cor 2:11-2:15) :For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

" Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man shall come unto the father but by me."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"A Rude Awakening" Part one

On the morning of April, 5, 1991 I was awakened by Charles Dukes, a friend of the family, banging on our bedroom door, shouting "fire ,fire," I quickly dressed and ran out in to the hall way of our three bedroom, upper level apartment, where my wife Grace including myself, along with our five children made our residence.

I entered the hallway from our bedroom to investigate the commotion. Visibility was limited by the black toxic smoke  that engulfed the residence, at that moment is when I realized the seriousness of the matter.

I observed the flames as waves, protruding from the kitchen area. The fire had started spreading quickly out on to the ceiling in the living room. A scene closely resembling ripples of fire on briquet's of burning coal. I screamed out in horror for my children, and their three teenage friends who had spent the night, to evacuate the premises immediately. I watched intensely as they all made their way out the front door of the apartment to safety.

I was confident that everyone was safe, when suddenly it occurred to my wife Grace, that our son Israel was missing. "Where's Israel?, where's Israel?" she cried out ! My 15 year old was unaccounted for.

I desperately started to search for him, shouting his name as I made my way through the crowd of neighbors, who had assembled themselves outside the property to witness the burning structure.

Frantically I combed the grounds adjacent to our property in the hope of finding my first born son safe from the burning inferno. Israel, was nowhere to be found.

I rushed over to the south side of the building, and looked up towards the second floor, and observed the kitchen windows bursting from the intense heat, followed by a cloud of black smoke that funneled through the shattered glass.

"Israel get out son !" I began to shout, "please get out,!" my wife joined me at my side and we both begged him to save himself. We were both convinced, that Israel was trapped inside, and there was nothing at that moment we could do, but watch helplessly, as a combination of fire, and smoke began filtering out through his bedroom window.

We started to hear the sirens of emergency vehicles getting louder as they approached the residence.
In what seemed an eternity, the Eureka Fire Department arrived at the scene. Immediately the firefighters started rolling out their hoses, following all the necessary procedures in order to neutralize the emergency situation.

I ran over towards in the direction, where the fire trucks were stationary. I reached out, and grabbed the first Firefighter I encountered by the sleeve of his fire retardant coat, and began to lead him in the direction of the stair well, on the east side of the structure.

"Hurry! my son is trapped inside his bedroom, Please hurry." He looked up, towards the upper level of the burning complex , the fireman appeared to be stunned by what he witnessed, he turned his face back towards my direction, and I saw an expression of hopelessness in his eyes.

Meanwhile Firefighter Jim Christian, had started making his way up an aluminum ladder to the second floor bedroom on the south side of the building, diving head first through the window into the burning structure,Christian discovered Israel wedged in a corner of his bedroom,

Jim Christian : “I couldn’t stand up because of the heat. I grabbed his right arm and tried to pull him toward me. The burned skin on Israel’s arm came off in my glove. I laid across the bed and grabbed his upper body and somehow got him over the bed to the floor near the window. I could hear Captain Ballard taking the window frame out to give us room.

I was dragging Israel toward the window when Mike Bakke came crashing through it. I was never so happy to have someone jump on me in all my life. We dragged him to the window and lifted him gently as possible through it. It was the first time I could actually see Israel Jaure."

A firefighter approached my wife and I ,his countenance, filled with sorrow "we got your son out." I couldn't find the courage to ask him if he was alive, being sorely afraid of what his response would be, I simply nodded my head.

I embraced my wife, Grace, "there is another body waiting for him in glory," She refused to believe that our son had perished in the flames. "No! No! my son isn't dead !" I bowed my head at that moment, and began worshiping the God of the universe

Meanwhile, Israel, was having the greatest experience of his Life:

“There were flames everywhere and there was so much noise,I panicked and screamed. I knew there was a way out through the back door of the kitchen and I opened the door to my room. A horrible blast of heat knocked me down. I was flopping like a fish out of water. It was like drowning and being burned at the same time. I kept saying ‘God, help me’ over and over.

I could see the flames all around me; I could hear my mother screaming for me downstairs, even over the noise of the fire. Then the pain stopped and all I could feel was peace. I took the deepest breath of my life and when I let it out, my eyes dimmed, my hearing went away and I knew I was about to die.”

Suddenly, Israel found himself in a place of total darkness, where he was transformed to nothing more, then a mere thought, he cried out" Jesus" he recalls hearing what would best be described, as the screeching of a heavy steel door being opened.

Israel, was lifted out from obscurity, and placed before the presence of the creator of all things. He was incapable of lifting his head to look upon the one that sat upon the throne, but recalls, being   placed upon a plateau, where he observed an ocean of people dressed in white garments. All of them in reverence to the one who sat upon the throne. He turned to look upon the source of the light that shined brilliantly on the inhabitants, he was strictly forbidden to do so, "Its not your time"

Feeling destitute, he came across a caravan, composed of a small group of people, who appeared to be carrying all of their earthly possession's in the back of wooden wagons. The leader of the group was wearing military combat fatigues, he was highly decorated with various campaign medals.

As Israel drew closer, he observed a glow illuminating from the man's face. Israel enquired of him, the reason as to why he was prohibited to look upon the light, The leader simply responded,"Its not your time"

He heard a voice, that was similar to the noise of thunder, that shook the heavens, He was told of a precious gift that was to be bestowed upon him. He observed a sphere of light descending upon him, it entered into him, and rested in the vicinity of the heart.

Israel was forewarned of the consequences, of being the recipient, of such a great gift. and cautioned that he was to encounter a great deal of thieves, and adversaries along his journey through life.



Friday, January 20, 2012

The Time Piece

The Time Piece
A story is told of A fine crafts man who built A time piece, and fashioned it like no other. For hours he labored to produce the one of a kind. After being satisfied with his new creation, he thought it fit to give to his closest friend who would surely be pleased by the gift. The friend was left speechless and unable to find words to express his gratitude. The beauty of the time piece was breath taking. Its accuracy was beyond belief.

As time went by the friend's curiosity grew strong. He became determined to find the mystery of the creation of the time piece. After days of thought he came to the conclusion that he must disassemble it, if he is to ever know its secret. After taking it apart and examining it, he found himself unable to put it back together. He did all that was possible with no positive results.

After much deliberation he came to the conclusion that if the time piece was ever to be restored, he would have to endure the shame of his error, and return the time piece to the only one capable of restoring it. He explained to the crafts man how his curiosity had over took him, and asked for his forgiveness. The craftsman quickly accepted his apology, and asked, "my friend, where is the time piece ? " With shame he handed him the remnants. After a short space of time, the crafts man returned, and in his hand was the time piece, the gift fully restored.

The God of the universe is the craftsman the creator of all things.
The friend represents religion
The Time Piece, the life of men without his maker.
The free gift, Jesus Christ